These are the typewriters that we have sold at Type Townsend.Browse this page to see the kinds of machines that come through our shop. Smith-Corona Sterling Hermes 3000 Olympia SM4 Tippa Triumph Olympia SF Hermes 3000 Royal Model O Royal Safari Olympia SM3 Royal KHM-10 Remington Portable Smith-Corona Clipper Olympia SF Royal Quiet De Luxe Smith-Corona Silent Super Remington Quiet Riter Royal Quiet De Luxe Olympia SM3 Smith-Corona Silent Super Smith-Corona Galaxie Smith-Corona Sterling Olympia SM4 Olivetti Lettera 32 Smith-Corona Sterling Royal Quiet De Luxe Cherry Red Smith Corona Super 12 Royal Quiet De Luxe Dreyfuss Design Olympia SM4 Hermes Featherweight